630-233-9648 OFFICE
630-890-7108 MOBILE
licenses. photos. backgrounds.
Mon-Thu: 10am - 6pm by appointment:
Employees and/or applicants who will be performing a security-sensitive role may be required by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to submit to a fingerprint-based Criminal History Records Check (CHRC) under the Code of Federal Regulations. BioScan Tek has the authority to capture and submit biometric and biographic information, in compliance with these regulations. For over two decades, NATACS, with its global network of over 300 certified technicians, supports the following TSA Security Programs:
Aircraft Operator Standard Security Program (AOSSP)
Airport Security Program (ASP)
Full All-Cargo Aircraft Operator Standard Security Program (FACAOSSP)
BioScan Tek is a certified collector through NATACS. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has authorized the National Air Transportation Association Compliance Services (NATACS) to expand the National Fingerprint Collection Clearinghouse (NFCC) to certify and collect fingerprints. BioScan Tek has completed the necessary training and is a Certified Fingerprint Collector for TSA-designated Programs under the National Air Transportation Security Identification System.